Since we founded LAKEN in 1912 in Murcia, conservation, reusability, quality and durability have been part of our DNA. Back then, food and beverages were transported in reusable containers out of necessity, not environmental awareness. Without microwaves and refrigerators, keeping food warm and water fresh for as long as possible was essential.
Today, everything has changed: technology has evolved, materials and designs have improved, and consumer demands are greater, both inside and outside the home. In addition, we face a major challenge: to reduce the consumption of disposable plastic.
That's why, more than 100 years later, we continue to produce bottles, canteens and other reusable containers in aluminium, stainless steel and state-of-the-art plastics, with the highest quality, durability and thermal performance.
Our main objective is to continue to meet your liquid and food transport and preservation needs in an environmentally responsible way. We are guided by values that have always been with us:

Factory and offices
30169 - San Ginés. (Murcia)