3R products

Reduce, reuse and recycle. These three Rs are the bases for sustainable and responsible consumption. Discover how you contribute to caring for the environment with our products.

Ilustración de la reducción de la compra de productos gracias a las botellas LAKEN


You don't need to buy many bottles, you need to buy one bottle and make it last a long time. At Laken, we make them resistant and long-lasting and we also have many spare parts to extend their useful life, thus reducing the need to buy more products and saving money, energy, raw materials...

Ilustración de la reutilización de las botellas LAKEN


All our products are reusable. By using them, you are helping to protect the environment, because you are avoiding the use of disposable products, which quickly end up in the trash or, in the worst case, in the sea.

Ilustración del reciclaje de las botellas LAKEN


100% of the materials we use in our products are recyclable. When you want to get rid of them, you can deposit them in the appropriate container or benefit from our Renewal Plan. You send them to us, we recycle them and you enjoy an interesting discount on your next purchase.