100% recycled aluminium

Since October 2021 we are making history, we are manufacturing our aluminum bottles with 100% recycled aluminum (PCR - post consumer recycled).

Both for our company, for being the first time that we use a raw material from recycling to manufacture one of our products, and for all of Europe, for being the only manufacturer of aluminum bottles in the European Union that makes them with recycled aluminum ; as well as for the environment, for the amount of benefits that this change provides; We are very proud to have marked such an important milestone in the reusable bottle manufacturing sector.

Environmental benefits of manufacturing bottles with recycled aluminum

Hemos reducido un 55% las emisiones

55% less CO2 emissions when obtaining raw materials.

Hemos reducido en un 95% la energía consumida en la producción de materia prima

95% less energy consumed in the production of raw material (compared to that consumed in producing primary aluminium).

El aluminio que usamos es 100% reciclado

Reusing a huge amount of waste that cannot be reused by the consumer. Unlike other materials, aluminium can be recycled an almost unlimited number of times.

Hemos reducido la extracción de material puro

Reduction of extraction and treatment of pure material.

Nuestros proveedores son locales, de Alemania y Eslovenia

As our suppliers are local, from Germany and Slovenia, the transport footprint of raw materials is kept to a minimum.